How to Achieve Personal Branding in 3 Simple Ways

How to Achieve Personal Branding in 3 Simple Ways

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” – Jeff Bezos

We’ve all heard the names: Chumbak, Gauri Khan Designs, Porsche, Doc Martens, Louboutins, Prada, Vogue, Neil Patel, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Kylie Cosmetics…

The minute you say the name of the brand, its vibe, its values and its voice comes to the forefront of your memory. Why? It’s because branding, when done right, makes you think of the company or business in the way it wants you to think about it.

What is Branding?

Branding is the distinguishing mark of a business or venture. It can be manifested in the logo, the colours, the language, the work culture, and the ethics of the company. A branding agency in India can help a company achieve all of this.

But what about personal branding? Is it important or even necessary? Find out in this short blog!

What is Personal Branding and Why Is It Important?

Personal branding is branding applied to a person. It’s what you want the world to know about you in a carefully crafted narrative that controls what is said about you in whispers or behind your back.

If you don’t indulge in personal branding, especially for your career, you will lag behind, and people will have the upper hand on you by doing your storytelling for you. Hence, it is very important to create and curate an image of yourself that can transform your career, your business and your social status.

How to Achieve Personal Branding in 3 Simple Ways

  • Own a Blog and Post Regularly

One of the simplest strategies of personal branding for introverts is to learn the art of blogging. When you run your own blog you can talk about all the stuff that you hold dear. This could be your passions, your dreams, tips, life lessons and so many other things. Blog if you can’t orate and give a glimpse into your personality by this simple trick.

  • Run Your Social Media Accounts Like a Pro

Don’t run your social media account like a self-obsessed teenager. Instead, talk about the issues that you are passionate about. For example, you can post about health tips, how to live a minimalist lifestyle and other interests that you may have. Plan your posts, or else learn about SEO or better still get a branding agency in India to curate posts for you. It will help people view you as a responsible, fun, dedicated and passionate person. Or however, you want them to view you!  

  • Make Genuine Friends

Remember the adage, a man is known by the company he keeps? If people know who your friends are, they will immediately get an idea of who you are! That is why make friends with respectable and like-minded people.

If you want your career to grow you need to network with the right people. However, always be genuine and straightforward. No one likes a user or a poser, so avoid being both.


If you think these 3 ways are too much work for you, reach out to the best branding agency in India to help you with your personal branding. Remember, personal branding can make you into a household name!