Reasons to Use Python over Other Programming Languages

Reasons to Use Python over Other Programming Languages

Businesses depend on the functionality of a software and the software depends upon the code. 

When a lot is working around the codes, it is essential  that the language used for these codes are decoded well and understood by all, be it the developers, the checker or any other person involved in the making of web development. 

Programming languages like Python build a well-coded software that ultimately leads to great company work. Python is the language that makes a great software interface and is suitable for everyone to comprehend and analyse.

Many web development agencies in India prefer to hire people who have a great knowledge in Python and its functionalities over other languages. 

Let’s take a closer look at what Python is, what its applications are, and why it is better than other languages. 

What is Python?

Python is a machine learning language. It is a high-level, interpreted, object-oriented and general-purpose programming language. It is well known for its congenital syntax that mimics natural language. 

Python is one of the many popular programming languages in the world. This language has created everything from the recommendation algorithm of Netflix to the software that controls self driven cars and even algorithms of Google and Instagram. 

Python is a general-purpose and versatile language, which implies that it is designed to be used in a wide range of applications, including data science, software development, web development, automation, and generally getting stuff done.

The language ranks the 3rd best programming language for web development. Right skills, practical and technical knowledge of the language will lead one to be hired easily by any web development agency in India.  

Why is Python so popular among the web developers? 

Here are some of the features of Python that have made the language a popular one among many developers across the world. Here is why:

  • It is easy to learn and comprehend
  • The language a huge supportive community
  • It is one flexible and versatile language
  • Well-aligned with data science and  analytics
  • Python is fast and reliable

What are the various applications of Python?

Typically Python is a machine learning language and is widely used in:


  • Data analysis: Python allows data analysts to use the language to conduct statistical calculations, create data visualisations, build machine learning algorithms, collect and analyse data, and conduct other data-related tasks. It is used to build various data visualisations, like line and bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, and 3D plots. 
  • Web development: The language is used to develop a website or an application, especially the part that users don't usually see. The role of the language in web development is to form servers, process data and connect with the database, URL and many more.  
  • Prototyping and software testing: Python aids tasks like build control, tracking of bugs and tests. With Python, software and web development agencies in India can automate testing for latest products or features. Some Python tools used for the process are Green and Requestium.

Why does Python as a language stand out over other languages?

Python is a language that is widely embraced by a huge community of coders for many reasons. Many web development agencies in India choose python as their language for programming over other languages. Let’s find out why:


  • It is free of cost.

The language is open source and is available for free. It does not require any sort of subscription or a custom built interface. Any device is compatible with Python. All the modules, tools and libraries of Python are absolutely free. 


  • It requires less coding than other languages.

Python requires less time and fewer resources for coding than other languages, therefore it reduces the cost of coding and yields profits. Naturally, Python has easy syntax. The inbuilt libraries and the easy syntax makes the language easy and comprehensible.


  • Every business can afford it, even the big shots.

Python being a free and easy to understand language, every level of business can afford it, be it small or medium. The business at the budding stage can use the language and  begin their operations with cost effective software.

Big giant companies like NASA, Google, Spotify, Instagram also vouch for the language over other languages.

Wrapping Up 

Now if anyone asks you “why did you choose Python programming?” you already have the answer to that. 

The above mentioned benefits and applications of the language makes Python an iconic language for all. We hope this article has enriched you with the importance of it.  

Other languages can be used in the Artificial Intelligence projects, but the fact about Python remains the same that it is still the best, relevant, easy and a significant consideration for all developers.

Today, many web development agencies in India use Python language for machine and deep learning projects due to its significant benefits