SEO Expert in Kolkata On the Helpful Content Update

SEO Expert in Kolkata On the Helpful Content Update

Google plans to roll out a new update to its core algorithm which may have a massive impact on rankings like the Panda update back in February 2012. This update which is going to affect the ranking of the entire website is being called the Helpful Content Update. Instead of targeting pages, it is going to target the entire site as a whole.

This SEO expert in Kolkata takes a look at the details of this update and helps you to understand what the impact is going to be on your site.

Details of the Helpful Content Update

  • The helpful content update is going to affect those sites that produce content for the sake of ranking, rather than being helpful to the reader.
  • The primary aim of the update is to create content that is useful to people, and not written for search engines.
  • The algorithm will downgrade entire sites where the web pages have been created to rank and do not produce useful information to the reader.
  • Google said this update will affect the content produced by educational sites, arts and entertainment, shopping, and tech-related sites. The reason Google is targeting these sites is that typically they have been writing content for search engines and not for people.
  • The scary aspect of this update is that Google s targeting the site as a whole, and not looking at specific pages on the site.

How is Your Site Going to Be Affected?

If your site has been producing content to only rank on SERPs without providing useful information to the reader, you are going to be affected. Are you creating human-first content?

If yours is a site that produces great information on the different services or products that you offer, you are considered safe. However, if you produce content for the sake of ranking, you will most likely be penalised.

How to Build Content that is in line with Helpful Content Update

According to this SEO expert in Kolkata, indulging in content marketing now is a very different ballgame. You should produce content only if your content is useful or worthwhile to the reader. On that note let’s look at some of the ways in which you can build human-first content.

Ask yourself these questions.

  1. Does your content have first-hand expertise and a depth of knowledge?
  2. After someone reads the content on your website will they leave feeling they have learned something about a topic, enough to work on that topic?
  3. Do you keep in mind the core updates for content marketing on Google?
  4. What is the focus of your website?
  5. Will someone reading your content feel like they have had an enlightening experience?

Once the answers to these are clear in your mind, here are some tips to create helpful content.

  1. Write content that gives an in-depth idea about a particular topic.
  2. Have a regular content flow, but make sure it is to share ideas, build a knowledge base and explain things.
  3. People go to the internet to know more, buy more or do more. If your content solves none of the above problems, it is worthless.


According to this SEO expert in Kolkata, the helpful content update is certainly a boon to those who have been creating content that is useful to the end reader. Content marketing takes on a whole new meaning with this update. We, at BUSFAM, understand this and guarantee that the content we produce is certainly helpful.