What Does a Branding Agency in India Do?

What Does a Branding Agency in India Do?

Before you wish to see a mountain of sales come knocking at your door, you need to brand your business.

What’s a brand, you may ask? A brand is a combination of colour, logo, text, vibe, voice, values, and identity that sets your business apart from the competition. Is branding really necessary? Certainly. Remember there are plenty of birds in the forest, but the ones with the dazzling plumages attract the most attention. That’s what branding is all about.

In this regard, if you are not an expert at branding, you need to reach out to a branding agency in India like BUSFAM and get the whole gamut of branding services done. However, exactly what does such an agency do? Find out only in this blog!

5 Things a Branding Agency in India Does

A worthwhile branding agency is a bit like a professional therapist. They help you find your identity as a brand and communicate that identity to potential customers. If your identity and values click with that of the customer, branding turns into brand loyalty, something that is a strong “bond” in today’s era of non-committal relationships.

  • Design Your Logo

First things first. You will need a proper logo that uniquely sums up your brand. Think back to the logos of every business or product that you have interacted with. You see their logo and you instantly know if they mean business, or are a quirky, fun brand, or are a rebellious, counter-culture brand. The essence of the founders usually seeps into the brand. That’s why a logo is a strong indication of good branding.

  • Pick a Colour Palette

Post designing your logo, you will need a colour palette that will be uniformly used across internal and external communication, stores, merch, you name it. The colour palette is a reflection of your brand. It’s a great way to communicate, visually, the nature of your brand. Red speak rebellion, blue speaks responsibility. Every colour evokes a unique emotion.

  • Tell Your Story

While people love stories, they don’t want to be bored by yours. Typically, businesses are set up after a lot of struggle, and by the time they achieve success, a lot of time has passed. You need to tell that story, whatever it is. A branding agency in India can help you to weave a proper tale that will strike a chord with the audience.

  • Brand Voice

Settle on a brand voice. What’s that? That’s the tone the communication with the audience and customers will take. Also, it’s the entire way you will project your company to the outside world.

  • Brand Messaging

This is all about your values as a brand. Wondering what makes the Tata brand so famous? It’s their values as a company which they never fail to communicate with their audience. The communication messages you release from your brand can certainly help your audience understand the type of business you are.


To sum up,a branding agency in India should offer these 5 crucial services. They should also help your brand identify what it is and how it can survive the throes and upheavals of the next decade or so.

Branding is crucial to longevity. For instance, a Coca Cola or a Pepsi has managed to propel itself into each decade only by strong branding, despite their products being very much the same.

If you are in need of a branding agency, keep BUSFAM in mind!