5 Digital Marketing Tips that will Dominate 2019

The trends of marketing have changed more in 5 years than it has in 50 long years, the drastic change is not showing any signs of slowing down. The digital world is a fast-moving and ever-transforming one, where digital marketing companies in Kolkata are quick to get along with new trends and technologies as they evolve. 

There was a time when you could have imagined a rejected Artificial intelligence or voice search as silly tricks from science fiction movies like Back to the Future, where your see Marty Mcfly flying back to his past and future. But, gone are those days of make-belief ideas, AI now is a significant part of every aspect of digital marketing.

Along with AI, many more digital marketing trends are growing in the internet-connected market, which indicates, businesses must use them to succeed ahead of their petty rivals.

Here are a few technologies and trends that you could use for your digital marketing strategies, 2019:

Artificial Intelligence:

One of the latest trends we are seeing now is the rise of artificial technology, in the form of chatbots. Large digital marketing companies in Kolkata are even using it to drive their sales by delivering the customers with gift shopping opportunities.

For example, large firms such as UBER, Microsoft are using knight scope K5 robots to monitor parking lots and massive outdoor areas for predicting crime. These AI robots can read the number of plates, report distrustful crime and gather data to notify their owners.

Others are putting their machine learning input to use it effectively in case of prognostic lead generation, where AI has shifted through historical data and logically deduce future user intention.

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest commercial opportunities for digital marketing companies- a prediction that is made this year.

If you have not yet thought about integrating AI services to your business, then it's time you consider applying it. Artificial Intelligence will soon be driving the maximum force behind all the digital and IT services. Currently, it has been integrated into a range of areas:

  • Customer query Chatbots
  • General interaction
  • Recommendations on product
  • Creation of content
  • Customization of email
  • Online transaction

So, if you are planning to adopt AI in 2019, you are surely going to cut off your staffing budget and accelerate your sales, by getting an edge over your rivals. 

Visual Search Method:

Maybe you've read about it, or have done it already! A picture of someone wearing a pair of trendy sunglasses catches your attention. You start wondering what brand they are wearing and where they got it from. Then you just click and press the button of your phone to search the image in Google. A few seconds later, the results come to your Google page suggesting some latest search by others.

This is a visual search, one of the biggest digital marketing trends seen in 2019. It not only helps users to explore the origination of the pictures but also has the potential to persuade the way you select or purchase the products.

In the race, to make searching simpler and more aligned to cognitive thoughts, digital marketing company in Kolkata and IT companies are teaching the machines to think more like us. Because, when we look at images, we don’t usually see binary digits. We visualize shapes and colors, where machines are now taught to think the same way.

Voice Recognition: 

Even if customers won't necessarily assign their holiday shopping responsibilities to Alexa or Google Assistant. Do you know there are ample ways by which brands can start to integrate voice search technology into their digital marketing plan?

Like most other marketing expedition, these impending voice recognition function is likely, to begin with just a search. Data from comScore reveals that almost 1 billion voice search is performed every month, by next year almost 50% of them will be based on voice search.

Now to compete with the noisy revolution in the current market, you must utilize your content by following a few SEO instructions that are concerned with the behavior of word spoken searches.

Customers around the world are performing their searches through voice recognition in their mobile devices. People are now well accustomed with the virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, due to which voice recognition function is seeing a surge in the market.

So, when it comes to optimizing your content for voice recognition, it's necessary to keep in mind that digital assistant devices only delivers one search per demand. The key to putting your brand at the forefront of Siri's head can be done by getting your content to seem as a featured snippet. This is the most prominent spot on the SERP.

SEO A/B Split Testing:

You must know that marketing is all about testing, which is the reason why SEO A/B split testing is the topmost preference for the 2019 list.

Here search engine optimization split testing A/B is like all other types of split testing. It lets you detach the variables increasing device so that you can take a targeted approach towards change in content.

Apps such as Click flow recommends pages with untapped SEO ability which is a high-resolution count but low click-through rate. CTR can be used to enhance clicks and traffic.

Click flow allows you to select your target accordingly with the increase of CTR. With the help of this app, you can make changes in the title, Meta descriptions, Meta tag or the content body, reflected in your website.

Final Thoughts

Finally, we have managed to save you from getting drowned in the waves of growing competition. Stop thinking, and start ushering your brand into the upcoming future with confidence and innovation with the help of digital marketing statistics.

Applying any of these tips will surely require a lot of effort and investment in the resource. But once you work on it, you will turn into a Midas of 2019. However, staffing in the wrong way may cost you a lot. So, start fresh with a solid foundation and reliable intellect.