Digital Branding Company On Influencer Marketing

Digital Branding Company On Influencer Marketing

As every digital branding company knows, influencer marketing is a very important part of the branding process. Influencers are those people that are highly creative and come up with interesting content, this makes them gain a large fan following. So if you want your brand to be noticed by many people in a short while, you can make use of influencers.

Influencer marketing can help you gain attention on those platforms where you don’t as yet have one. For instance, if you do not have a presence on the social media platform TikTok, you can approach TikTok stars to help you to promote your brand.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is one of the marketing and branding techniques which uses influencers to promote a brand. Influencers are people with a large fan base or followers that create interesting content in a particular field. They are industry leaders; they appear trustworthy or knowledgeable which makes them the perfect pillar on which to build your brand.

What Are the Different Types of Influencers?

There are different types of influencers. They are classified according to the Digital Marketing Institute as mega, macro, micro and nano.

  • Mega influencers are those like industry CEOs and Hollywood stars who have a major fan following. Their every opinion is important and helps to shape public opinion. There is no people barrier that they cannot cross.
  • Macro influencers are those influencers that are specific to a particular niche. For instance, take Neil Patel in the domain of digital marketing.
  • Micro-influencers are viewed as those persons who target a very specific niche audience. They are the more niche form of macro influencers.
  • Nano influencers are local influencers or neighbourhood leaders.

Typically, a digital branding company like BUSFAM associates itself with several influencer marketers to help niche brands promote themselves. You can check out our list of influencers on the website.

5 Ways to Build an Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign

So, now that you know what are the different types of influencers and what is influencer marketing, here are 5 ways in which you can build an effective influencer marketing campaign.

  • Goal setting and choosing the right KPI metrics

First, you need to determine the goal of your influencer marketing campaign and choose the right KPI metrics. Goals can include raising brand awareness, driving leads and promoting some products.

  • Budgeting

The next thing on your to-do list is to budget. Exactly how much will you spend on the influencer, the network and the scope of the campaign? Once you have decided on these aspects you can move on to the next one.

  • Choose the right platform

Social media platforms matter when you do influencer marketing. Each platform has its own kind of content and influencers so you need to be careful which platform and influencer you choose.

  • Find the right influencer

Once you have identified the platform, you need to pick the influencer that is most successful on that platform. This is not an easy task so you can outsource this task to a digital branding company.

  • Develop a campaign

Finally, once you have decided on the platform and the influencer, it’s time to develop a strategy and choose the campaign. Moreover, you have to share the strategy with the influencer so that they are on the same page as you.


Hence, in conclusion,the digital branding company BUSFAM also engages in influencer marketing. So, if your brand requires influencer marketing you can reach out to us today. We are match our army of influencers to help your brand.